
Nuestro Equipo Cirugía Ortopédica

Thomas Riley, MD

Thomas Riley, MD

Cirujano Ortopédico Certificado por la Junta

Dr. Jocelyn R. Idema, DO, BSN, CIME

Dr. Jocelyn R. Idema, DO, BSN, CIME

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Los Pacientes Nos Aman!

Haga su cita hoy y sea parte de nuestra familia de pacientes.

Haga Una Cita Ahora

The best of the best. I was injured but the love and care I got was second to none.

All the therapists were amazing, very professional and helped me al lot in my recovery. I feel great again.

Amazing staff, and extremely friendly. Professional technicians, and great facilities.

The entire staff is kind, caring and compassionate. They go above and beyond professionalism. This should be a training center, so they can show how it's done!

Dr. Pena was very attentive to my problem and provided instant relief.

Excellent care and service. Great friendly & professional staff. Highly recommended.

Excellent care and service. Great friendly & professional staff. Highly recommended.

This wellness and rehab center is amazing. The staff, in special Dr. Exposito, go above and beyond to make you feel like a family member. The center is extremely clean, the equipment is top of the line.

Everyone here has a great attitude and are always calm, courteous and professional. They have been taking very good care of me and treat my 3 year old son with so much love and care.

The staff members here are really friendly, and dedicated to helping you feel better as fast as possible.

I ended up coming here for treatment after a car accident. I was reluctant at first, but the staff here couldn't be more accommodating. Everyone is friendly, professional, and caring.

Descubra sus opciones de tratamiento.

Encuentre nuestro centro de tratamiento mas cercano y empieze su camino de recuperación.

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Introduzca ubicación o haga clic a "Localizame" para utilizar su ubicación actual.
Lo sentimos, hubo un problema tratando de localizar su centro mas cercano.

Tres ubicaciones convenientes en Florida para servirle.
